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Myths About College

High school students often hear a variety of things before going into college, many of them being untrue, but they still may cause concern and anxiety. Check out our most common college myths and why they are not true.

College is just one big party and academics don't take priority.

While TV shows and social media showcase college as one long party, the reality is that your academics and extra-curricular activities will take up the majority of your time. You will still have time for fun, but most of it will be dedicated to school work.

If I don’t fit in or feel at home right away, I should transfer.

Nobody feels at home right away. You have to take time to make new friends and adjust to a new place. Meeting people can be stressful. It’s important to give yourself some time to get in the new groove of this new experience and meet people as they come along. It takes time, despite what you may see on social media.

You have to be best friends with your roommate.

Everyone has heard those fairy tale roommate stories and seen them on social media, but the reality is that it doesn’t always happen. If you and your roommate aren’t best friends, that’s perfectly fine. After all, you both are there for the same reasons and just want to get to graduation, so it's okay if you just get along and don't hang out outside of the dorms.

Your professors will be a lot meaner than in high school and I can’t talk to them or ask for help.

This isn’t at all true, but is very commonly spread in high schools. If you need help or have questions, your professors will assist you. They have office hours set aside for students, and they’re rooting for your success just as much as you are. They may be stricter than teachers in high school, but they still are there for your success and some may be even more easy-going than some high school teachers.

I will have way more free time than high school.

Some people are able to balance extracurriculars and academics well and others are not, but everyone’s experience is different. Finding the balance will be up to you. Certainly get involved, but don’t get so involved that you feel like you’re drowning and your academics start to suffer. Time management will be something you'll need to learn as you get into college.

Skipping classes is fun and isn't that big of a deal if the class isn't important.

Every college class is important even if it doesn't pertain to your major, because all classes affect your GPA and your final credit count to obtain your degree. Skipping classes is not smart as professors expect you to be there. Many professors are understanding to sickness, emergencies, and mental health situations, but skipping just because it's cool, your friends did it, or you don't feel like attending a certain class will only land you further behind and will add extra stress and possibly costs onto you.

I have to party, try drugs, and drink to fit in at school.

This is a very common myth in schools nowadays. It is simply untrue. Taking drugs, drinking, and partying is unsafe behavior and typically doesn't end in a good way, not to mention it's generally illegal. Going to unsafe parties, taking illegal drugs, and drinking underage isn't cool and it's not safe. It's important to determine what parties are safe and which ones tend to end in a bad way so that you can stay safe while also having fun while in school. 

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