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Teens: Suicide Warning Signs

Recognizing warning signs of teen suicide is crucial for early intervention and support. While these signs may not guarantee that someone is contemplating suicide, they indicate a need for attention and assistance. If you observe any of the following warning signs in a teenager, it's important to take them seriously and seek professional help:

1. Changes in Behavior: Watch for significant changes in behavior, mood, or personality, especially if it's abrupt or extreme.

2. Expressions of Hopelessness: Pay attention if the teenager frequently expresses feelings of hopelessness or talks about feeling trapped.

3. Withdrawal from Activities: Notice if the teen withdraws from friends, family, or activities they once enjoyed. Social isolation can be a concerning sign.

4. Decline in Academic Performance: A sudden drop in academic performance or disinterest in school may indicate emotional distress.

5. Changes in Sleep Patterns: Both insomnia and excessive sleeping can be indicators of emotional distress.

6. Giving Away Possessions: If a teenager starts giving away personal belongings, it might be a warning sign of suicidal thoughts.

7. Reckless Behavior: Engaging in risky behaviors without regard for consequences, such as substance abuse or dangerous activities.

8. Talk of Suicide: Direct or indirect expressions of suicidal thoughts, plans, or feelings should always be taken seriously.

9. Drastic Mood Swings: Notice if the teenager experiences extreme mood swings, including heightened irritability, anger, or sadness.

10. Expressions of Unbearable Pain: Verbalizing feelings of unbearable emotional pain or feeling like a burden to others.

11. Previous Suicide Attempts: A history of previous suicide attempts increases the risk, and any talk of self-harm should be addressed immediately.

12. Family History: A family history of suicide or mental health issues can contribute to an individual's risk.

If you observe these warning signs or have concerns about a teenager's well-being, it is crucial to seek help promptly. Reach out to mental health professionals, school counselors, or other trusted adults. If there is an immediate risk, contact emergency services or a suicide hotline. Early intervention and providing support can make a significant difference in preventing suicide and promoting the teenager's well-being.

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