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Only a small percentage of female college victims of campus sexual assault report the incident to law enforcement or school officials, and even less male victims report being a victim of sexual assault. Many college sexual assault victims decide not to report their assault for various reasons, some of them including:

  • Knowing or having a close relationship with the perpetrator

  • Shame or embarrassment of becoming a victim

  • Fear of blame

  • Feeling like it’s their fault

  • Fear of retaliation from their perpetrator

  • The urge to suppress the memory and forget that it happened

  • Fear that no one will believe them or that no one will believe their story when they come forward

  • Concern that the authorities will not properly investigate the allegation or believe them

  • Feeling like it’s not severe enough to justify a report or that what happened isn't worth contacting law enforcement

Also, within a university setting, everyone wants to avoid becoming the subject of “campus buzz” or creating “drama” within their social circles, as well as trying to avoid unwanted attention by coming forward as a victim. This often puts stress on a victim who may also be anxious to come forward because they may know the perpetrator, which often may be a roommate, classmate, teammate, or someone from the same friend circle.

Another important fact to remember is that many victims might also make an effort to report the sexual assault to school officials only to find out that the school procedures necessary for filing a formal report are too complex or strenuous for the victim to comply with them. This tends to keep victims from stepping forward and asking for help.

The One Life Project works and partners with college campuses nationwide to assure that proper protocols and rules are in place on campuses so that victims feel safe and heard when stepping forward to share their story and details of their assault. Learn more about campus sexual assault from our educational partner, Herman Law.



Although women tend to make up a large portion of sexual assault victims, men can also become victim to campus sexual assault. Sexual assault is equally devastating to men and women. Regardless of gender identity, victims and survivors commonly feel rage, shame, guilt, powerlessness, and physical suffering.


If you are a sexually assaulted person who identifies as a man, it’s critical to recognize that you are a victim and survivor of a violent assault – no matter what you look like, your age, size, the strength of your character, or sexual orientation. No one has the right to take advantage of you, ever, and that goes for all human beings, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Men often report sexual assault related crimes even less than women do for a variety of reasons including the following:

  • Reluctant to seek medical care or be physically examined

  • Doubting your masculinity or sexuality

  • Thoughts that men should be tough and that men cannot be victims of sex crimes

  • Hesitant to seek law enforcement support for fear of looking weak

  • Scared of coming forward in fear that no one will believe a man

  • Fear of getting made fun of by peers, friends, and family and/or fear that others may judge and ask why they couldn't stop it

Common misconceptions about sexual assault against men can create a hard environment for victims. Men are sexually assaulted, and they do experience strong emotions in the aftermath, just as women do, and they too are entitled to the same medical, legal and emotional support, as is anyone who is a victim to sexual assault.

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